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来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-09
Worthington Biochemical公司成立于1947年,位于美国东海岸美丽海滨小城Lakewood, 早在1959年Worthington提供商业化的胶原酶到现在已有超过60年的酶类产品的生产经营历史,是世界上重要的酶类供应商,酶产品和DNa/RNa纯化等分子生物学方面的的专业生产厂家。Worthington的酶类产品主要是胶原酶类,胰蛋白酶,木瓜蛋白酶,弹性蛋白酶,和脱氧核糖核酸酶。这些酶类产品在组织分离,体外蛋白研究等应用方面发挥着重要的作用,同时也为生物医学,疾病研究和临床药物的研究过程提供了新的解决方案途径。Worthington Biochemical Corporation.胶原酶I型/II型胶原酶/III型胶原酶/胶原酶IV Collagenase, Purified Chromatographically purified. 50 caseinase units per milligram. Supplied as a lyophilized powder. Store at 2-8℃. Collagenase, Type 1 The original balance of enzymatic activities. Each lot assayed for collagenase, caseinase, clostripain and tryptic activities. Suggested for epithelial, liver, lung and adrenal primary cell isolations. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Store at 2-8℃. Collagenase, Type 2 Prepared to contain higher clostripain activity. Suggested for bone, heart, liver, thyroid and salivary primary cell isolation. Supplied as a dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Store at 2-8℃. Collagenase, Type 3 Lower in secondary proteolytic contaminant activities but with typical collagenase activity. Suggested for mammary primary cell isolation. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Store at 2-8℃. Collagenase, Type 4 Prepared to contain lower tryptic activity levels to limit damage to membrane proteins and receptors but with normal to above normal collagenase activity. Suggested for pancreatic islet primary isolation. A dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Store at 2-8℃. 说明:用于表皮,肺,脂肪,和肾上腺组织细胞的解离;-20℃或2-8℃保存。CAS#: 9001-12-1;外观:棕色或棕褐色结晶性粉末。 说明:用于肝,骨,甲状腺,心脏,唾液腺等组织细胞解离;-20℃或2-8℃保存。CAS#:9001-12-1;外观:棕色或棕褐色结晶性粉末。 说明:用于肝,骨,甲状腺,心脏,唾液腺等组织细胞解离;-20℃或2-8℃保存。CAS#:9001-12-1;外观:冻干粉。 说明:胶原酶Ⅳ包含至少7种蛋白酶成分,分子量从68-130KD不等。用于肝细胞的分离;-20℃或2-8℃保存。CAS#:9001-12-1;外观:棕色或棕褐色结晶性粉末。 说明:胶原 酶Ⅴ包含至少7种蛋白酶成分,分子量从68-130KD不等,它可用于胰腺小岛组织的分离,将结缔组织分离成单个细胞, 1-3个FALGPA水解单位;-20℃或2-8℃保存。CAS#:9001-12-1;外观:棕色或棕褐色结晶性粉末。

本文链接: http://worthington.immuno-online.com/view-1494549985.html

发布于 : 2025-03-09 阅读()